<access_modifier> <return_type> <name>(<parameter_data_type> <parameter_name>, . . .) {

A method in Java describes a series of steps to be performed with data. A method has two main components:

  • header
  • body

Let’s see them in action.

public int addTwoNumbers(int number1, int number2) {
	return number1 + number2;

The header is the first line, beginning with public. This line defines the constraints of the method: its access modifier, return type, name, and its parameters, in that order. Let’s first discuss access modifiers.

Access Modifier

An access modifier defines the scope in which a method may be invoked (called), or modifies its implementation in the case of abstract. The most commonly used modifiers are:

  • public: allows access in all scopes
  • private: limits access to the current class’s scope
  • protected: limits access to the current class and all subclass’s scope
  • static: allows access to the method without needing to instantiate an object of its class
  • abstract: allows defining a method header but without providing an implementation for the body